Okay, I admit it! I’m back playing the darn game. After taking over a month off from WoW I now find myself logging in once again. Well, it wasn’t my fault; it was the research I needed to undertake in order to produce these articles that got me back to the game. Yeah that’s it…
So, I’m faced with a dilemma which has plagued me many times: I simply can’t decide which class to play. I don’t want to start a new character as I already have quite a few high levels to choose from: 80 Rogue; 71 Mage; 71 Hunter; 75 Paladin; 70 Warrior and a 65 Warlock.
I won’t be raiding again, and I doubt I will have much time for running instances again. So that leaves me leaning towards a character that will be fun in casual PvP. Well, Hunter it is, then surely, Matthew! Don’t call me Shirley. Hunters suit my PvP playing style (which is to hang around the back and shoot people from afar. Waddya mean it sounds cowardly?!) but, annoyingly, for some reason Hunters don’t inspire me like they used to. They are much more polished than they used to be, they can take a bit of a battering in melee range once they have the gear, and they now have lots of nice, new tricks to take advantage of but, well; they feel a little empty at the moment.
Despite having a level 80, Rogues are still quite new to me and I love the whole stealthing thing that they enjoy. When my Rogue was still a lowly alt I dreamed of stealthed into IronForge and gutting unwary Alliance members, but since WotLK, I have never really enjoyed mine in Battlegrounds. I seem to spend ages stealthing behind some clothie only to be tossed about by all (at least a thousand, I counted) the Death Grips that magically appear. I also can’t help hating the end talent in my usual spec of choice (Subtlety). Can’t I have Killing Spree or something else up there instead, please?
Onto the Mage. My all-time favourite class. Fire-specced for fun, my TBC Mage tore up damage meters and made short work of all but the healthiest of opponents. I hear that Fire is still viable with excellent burst damage, and this would certainly suit my cowardly BG playing style, but I can’t help thinking that they are just a bit too squishy.
Paladin. He’s Prot-specced so if I pinged him to 80 it would be to primarily dungeon crawl, in particular the old school instances. I love the social aspect of WoW, but I also prefer to play alone most of the time and it would be great o toddle off and bash Onyxia and her ilk on the head occasionally.
Warlocks seem to have dropped off the radar since TBC. At one time all I saw was bloody warlocks running around, revelling in their overpoweredness. Now it’s mainly just their smell that lingers. The smell of flavour-of-the-month that’s been left out in the sun too long.
That leaves my Warrior. Can’t play him, no. He’s a Tauren, and he’s fat.
Well, I thought that ordering my ruminations on the page would help somewhat, but it bloomin’ well didn’t. Oh well, what’s a boy to do…?
So, I’m faced with a dilemma which has plagued me many times: I simply can’t decide which class to play. I don’t want to start a new character as I already have quite a few high levels to choose from: 80 Rogue; 71 Mage; 71 Hunter; 75 Paladin; 70 Warrior and a 65 Warlock.
I won’t be raiding again, and I doubt I will have much time for running instances again. So that leaves me leaning towards a character that will be fun in casual PvP. Well, Hunter it is, then surely, Matthew! Don’t call me Shirley. Hunters suit my PvP playing style (which is to hang around the back and shoot people from afar. Waddya mean it sounds cowardly?!) but, annoyingly, for some reason Hunters don’t inspire me like they used to. They are much more polished than they used to be, they can take a bit of a battering in melee range once they have the gear, and they now have lots of nice, new tricks to take advantage of but, well; they feel a little empty at the moment.
Despite having a level 80, Rogues are still quite new to me and I love the whole stealthing thing that they enjoy. When my Rogue was still a lowly alt I dreamed of stealthed into IronForge and gutting unwary Alliance members, but since WotLK, I have never really enjoyed mine in Battlegrounds. I seem to spend ages stealthing behind some clothie only to be tossed about by all (at least a thousand, I counted) the Death Grips that magically appear. I also can’t help hating the end talent in my usual spec of choice (Subtlety). Can’t I have Killing Spree or something else up there instead, please?
Onto the Mage. My all-time favourite class. Fire-specced for fun, my TBC Mage tore up damage meters and made short work of all but the healthiest of opponents. I hear that Fire is still viable with excellent burst damage, and this would certainly suit my cowardly BG playing style, but I can’t help thinking that they are just a bit too squishy.
Paladin. He’s Prot-specced so if I pinged him to 80 it would be to primarily dungeon crawl, in particular the old school instances. I love the social aspect of WoW, but I also prefer to play alone most of the time and it would be great o toddle off and bash Onyxia and her ilk on the head occasionally.
Warlocks seem to have dropped off the radar since TBC. At one time all I saw was bloody warlocks running around, revelling in their overpoweredness. Now it’s mainly just their smell that lingers. The smell of flavour-of-the-month that’s been left out in the sun too long.
That leaves my Warrior. Can’t play him, no. He’s a Tauren, and he’s fat.
Well, I thought that ordering my ruminations on the page would help somewhat, but it bloomin’ well didn’t. Oh well, what’s a boy to do…?
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