I cleared out my extensive Favourites folder last week and, among the myriad now-defunct websites lay a gem that I had completely forgotten about. http://www.wowitemcreator.com/ was something that I had bookmarked many, many moons ago (probably close to when I first started playing WoW) and, having used it once or twice to fashion a no-doubt thread-winning picture it lay discarded in that oubliette of dusty ephemera that is my WoW/Misc folder. One exploratory click and I was surprised (and delighted) to find the site still running. The site allows users to create items, weapons or spells that use Blizzard's templates, making for some fun opportunities to parody in-game issues or just create gear examples. Below are a handful of user submissions.
I had remembered the site as being rather rudimentary back then (but effective enough), and it certainly looks a lot better now, although a quote from the main page implies that another face-lift is on the way:
“Ok Guys, we hear you. We've neglected Wowitemcreator.com for awhile. There areSo, go make your own must-have item, or simply browse through the rated submissions. You can even search by server to see what your comrades-in-arms have been up to.
plans in the works to revamp the site, so enjoy making Warcraft items now
and be
prepared for new changes to come to the site!”
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